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Guest Lecture for the ABT trainees of Chandigarh

A round of interactive sessions was organized by Don Bosco Tech Society, Chandigarh on February 1, 2020. Ms. Ruchi (Trainer, Assistant Beauty Therapist) called on Dr. Kiran Behl (Former BPO Trainer, Chandigarh, Freelancer, Writer) to address the trainees on the ‘workplace’. Apart from this she also shared the information related to various things that should be taken care of at the workplace; integrity, discipline, punctuality, honesty, dedication towards work, and way of talking.

According to Dr. Behl, this industry is based on customer service, she insisted on the trainees’ improving communication skills. She cited some examples from her own life saying, ‘it is very important to take up a job in our lives. If we don’t do the job will be dependent upon the family to meet our daily expenses. So to avoid that we need to undergo some sort of skill training to earn our livelihood. Thus becoming independent and along with this, we can support our family financially’. Having said that the resource person wished the trainees good luck for their future endeavors.

At the end of the interactive session, one of the trainees voluntarily rose to thank Dr. Behl for her inspirational insights.