Centre Name : Don Bosco Tech - Shillong Domain : Electrical Domestic Solutions Employer : Self Employed Designation : Entrepreneur
“I would like to thank the Fathers, trainers, and the Don Bosco Tech team for allowing me to be trained. They were all very supportive. My message to all my fellow friends/youth – choices are ours, winning and losing is in our hand, we may fail in our journey but make that as a step to improve it better in the future, never quit, never feel discouraged, keep on praying and believing, we can do anything through Christ who strengthens us. Work hard, work smart and it took planning and perseverance to be successful.” stated Salma.
Salma Mary Pyngrope 23 years old from Ummulong village, West Jaintia Hills who graduated in commerce is a self-made entrepreneur. She comes from a middle-class family and is a very hard-working girl. Her hard work and determination have led to the success of her journey. She started her journey as a poultry farmer way back in the year 2019 rearing only countable kroiler chicks. After seeing the success of her business, she decided to expand it. Now due to her hard work, she rears different breeds of poultry birds on her farm for supplying eggs, chicks, and live birds earning a net profit of more than 3 lakhs annually. Her journey is an inspiration for many unemployed youths in her village, especially women farmers.
Being a poultry farmer her main aim to join Electrician Domestic Solution was to attain skills and knowledge about basic electrical so that she can implement them on her farm. She chose Don Bosco Tech- Shillong because she feels that she can receive quality and valuable training that could help with her business venture. She said “In a brooding room a very warm and clean atmosphere is needed to keep the newly hatched birds, lights are needed almost 24x7 to keep the room warm. Most of the time problems arise and she has to call the electrician from time to time to fix them. Due to this, she decided to explore and want to learn the skills in electrical work by herself. She was very happy to know that Don Bosco Tech Society is giving such training which was supported by Accenture”.
The training was during the lockdown; however, Salma never fails to attend the online training till she completed it, even though the training has been completed, Don Bosco Tech arranged for the practical training after the lockdown was lifted where she would also attend physically to learn the skills.
She said, “Through this EDS training, it helps me to do repairing and fixing damage on my own in which I don’t ask assistance from anyone if there is a problem and I am confident in doing so.”
The business Ms. Salma took up gave an example to other youth to become entrepreneurs, as in today's generation youth only look for government jobs after graduation which is difficult to attain.
We wish Salma the very best for her future.