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Centre Name : Don Bosco Tech - Sambalpur
Domain : Graphic Designer
Employer : Print World
Designation : Asst. Graphic Designer

Sudam Meher, a 20-year-old from the marginalized village of Durgapali (Kanijuri) in the Sambalpur district of Odisha, lives with his father, mother, younger brother, and sister. His father works as a weaver, the sole income source for the family, earning a meager Rs. 7500/- per month. This amount is barely enough to sustain the family of five. From a young age, Sudam dreamed of securing a job to support his family financially and to make his parents proud by becoming a responsible member of the household.

Despite numerous challenges, Sudam managed to complete his 10th grade. Driven by his goal, he enrolled in college but had to drop out due to his family's financial difficulties. As a result, he spent much of his time in the village, playing games and wandering with friends, feeling lost about his future prospects. He believed that his lack of qualifications would prevent him from progressing further.

One day, a friend told him about the Don Bosco Tech training program in Sambalpur. Considering his family's financial struggles, Sudam saw this as a second chance to improve his life. He visited the training center and spoke with the trainers to understand the registration process. He learned about the Graphic Designer course, potential job opportunities in the sector, and the scope for entrepreneurial ventures like self-contracting. Convincing himself and his family, he enrolled in the Graphic Designer course in the very first batch at the Sambalpur center, which was run in association with Accenture.

Throughout his training, Sudam was punctual, disciplined, and responsible. He was eager to acquire the essential skills needed for excellence in his field. He worked hard to master the intricacies of graphic design. The training program also taught him valuable skills in money management, time management, and communication. After three months of rigorous training, Sudam successfully completed the program. The training empowered him and gave him the confidence to face the world.

Following the training, Sudam was selected as an assistant Graphic Designer at Print World in Rourkela, earning Rs. 8500/- per month. He is now content and proud of his job. His parents are thrilled and proud to see him contributing to the family income. Sudam believes that Don Bosco Tech played a crucial role in shaping his future and building his career.